Monday, June 28, 2004


I can't say anything,
I can only say I am boring and Lazy :-(

Friday, June 25, 2004

Happy Birthday My Beloved Sister

Happy Birthday to you,...
Happy Birthday to you,...
Happy Birthday...Dear Sister,...
Happy Birthday to You....

Hope all the best and all your dreams come true.
Many Greetings from Indonesia.
Smile,...God Loves you and I do too.

ps. when will yoo treat me???

Tuesday, June 22, 2004


Tired and Sleepy.
No spirit to do the duty.
sorry Mr. Manager and all my colleague ;-)

Monday, June 21, 2004

Holiday in Monday

Wow....Beautiful Monday.
I don't go to office but stay home then it's nicer because I'm with my beloved one.

Lunch in KFC with all my nieces, my sister, my brother and of course with my darling :-)

After that spend an evening at home by sing a song and playing guitar (Honey, you're really good player)
Then he says, "when I come to you it's so hurt to feel the time for back"
Then I'm crying a river in my heart.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

How The Day...

This the most beatiful moment for me.
Together in many things and so much talking about the feeling.
Then there is an unforgatable moment funny me,
why must I so weak for all that I feel.
Then night comes
the injury time then you delay for back's so nice.
I love it and I like it.
ops then wonderful night comes

"I give my all,...
to have just one more night with you,...
I'd risk my life to feel your body next to me,
cause I can't go on leaving in the memory of our song,..
I give my all in love tonight..."
mariah carey - my all

Saturday, June 19, 2004


Wake up in the morning at 4.30 to pick my darling up.
It was so nice to feel that now you are so near with me.
I can see your eyes,
can feel you,
can touch you,
can hear your voice clearly,
Love can be so beautiful,
and time can so fast over.
But for who in love time is eternity.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Friday Again

Ops sudah jumat lagi....
ops besok sabtu....
kencan ah........

Hi Lau ,
it's so hard to find a time for chat right?

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Terrible alias gawat

Tadi malam aku sms om dan bilang bahwa aku akan menelepon jam 23.00-an (saat aku sms jam 21.00-an)
sambil menunggu waktu aku tidur-tiduran dan terbangun jam 05.15 pagi hari
I'm so confuse how come it happen to me??
Dengan segera aku menelepon si om dan dengan suara mengantuk dia menjawab (God I feel so guilty now)dan aku semakin merasa bersalah ketika dia menjawabku dengan positif tanpa menyalahkan
kenapa aku nggak telepon (I'm really feel that I am loved)
setelah berdiskusi panjang lebar diselingi dengan kata-kata cinta yang menghanyutkan aku dalam aliran cinta dan terkadang menerbangkan aku ke angkasa tak terbatas, si om bilang lebih baik dia yang akan datang mengunjungiku daripada aku capek (dear Lord, how nice the person made all easier for me. Thanks Lord for giving Him in my live).

Today will be the most beautiful day along this week.
How gentle you treat me,
How nice to be myself beside you,
Again thanks lord for him.

ps. Om, I think you are original romantic :-)

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


After 3 days struggle with my financial report,
finally I can finish it.
Thanks God....

So I can browse and a little chat with my sister and my friends...
See life is so nice kekekekek.....


The 2nd day in this week,
I'm boring for working but I have to.
*be patient Mel, month you will be absolutely free :-)
yeah I'm free no more 8 to 17 0'clook
I will be as free as bird.

being student harder than being employee.
God,...what should I do??
Help me.....

Monday, June 14, 2004

Missing You...

Mengenang engkau,
dalam segala keheningan,

Merindukan engkau,
dibirunya senja,

Merasakan cintamu,
dipelataran cintaku.

Membawa engkau,
kedalam hatiku

Salatiga, satu empat, nol enam, dua kosong kosong empat.
miss you so much....

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Sunday Morning

Happy ya...ya...ya...
saya senang jadi anak Tuhan...
siang jadi kenangan,
malam jadi impian,...
Cintaku semakin mendalam

Burung pipit yang kecil,
Dikasihi Tuhan...
seperti diriku,..
dikasihi Tuhan...

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Saturday Nite

Pulang ke kotamu,
ada setangkup haru dalam rindu,
masih seperti dulu,...
tiap sudut menyapaku bersahabat...
penuh selaksa makna...

terhanyut aku akan nostalgia
saat kita sering luangkan waktu
nikmati bersama,
suasana Yogya....

Dipersimpangan langkahku terhenti,
ramai kaki lima menjajakan sajian khas berselera
orang duduk bersila....
musisi jalanan mulai beraksi
seiring laraku kehilanganmu
ditelan deru kota.....

Friday, June 11, 2004


Last Night my beloved sister phoned me she was worry about me cause I’m not on line for a whole day. (My dear sister,…please not so paranoid with me I’m ok) I was out from office because one of my old friend came to visit me. You’ve already known the complete story about that right???
But anyway thanks for caring me dear.

ps. Tomorrow I will send all your documents. (hey…this is not bribery, believe me)

I also phoned my om last night cause I miss his sweet softly voice. Ahem…ahem…some one fly to the moon :-)
We talk so much things and he said thanks for me for all that I do to him.
I think I do nothing to him. I only do what my soul want to do.
And Today I’m on the cough.
It’s so hurt, I want to sleep but I can’t because yesterday I was not in office for a half day.
And tomorrow I must go to Yogyakarta because I promise to my friend Jeng Tiur that I will visit her. (Is it fair if I delay my visiting???) I don’t think so.
Ok I will go tomorrow hope my health will be better.

*mirror…mirror….on the wall don’t say that I have a Garfield eyes right now.

Cerita Lalu

Hari ini dikantor cuma sampai jam 1 siang.
seorang teman lama datang kekantor langsung dari hutan belantara menuju bandara menjumpai aku.
Dan mulailah pembicaraan mengalir kembali ke masa lalu.
Ketika cintaku dan dia merekah,
Ketika semua indah,
Dan, ketika semua menyakitkan.

Apa yang kita miliki sekarang, hanyalah kenangan.
Aku tak mau kembali ke masa itu dimana semua membuatku tak berhenti untuk menangis.
Dan kamu bilang tidak akan ada tangis lagi.
Semua akan indah dan akan baik-baik saja.
Kamu akan kumiliki selamanya dan begitu pun aku akan jadi milikmu selamanya.
Aku akan menyesuaikan semuanya menjadi seperti yang kamu inginkan, Karena itulah cinta keinginan untuk berkorban dan membuat orang yang kita cintai bahagia katamu pasti.
Aku menghargai keinginanmu.
Aku juga melayang kelangit yang ketujuh mendengar semuanya.
Tapi sekarang bukan lagi seperti yang dulu.
Kamu menambahkan bahwa tidak ada laki-laki lain yang bisa mencintaiku sebesar kamu mencintaiku.
Aku terdiam. Life can be so cruel I don't know what to say.

Ada aku, kamu dan dia.
Kamu bertanya, "ada apa dengan dia sehingga aku memilihnya.
Berikan aku jawaban dan jawabanmu akan menentukan langkahku selanjutnya."
Dan aku menjawab hatiku. Aku merasa aman dan senang bersama dengan dia, bersamanya aku melihat masa depanku.
Dan kamu terdiam,
Kamu pergi,
Dan aku menangis, menangis untuk masa lalu.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


Today is the slavery day in my office hehehehe
No time for lunch,
No time for browsing,
No time for chating,
No over time compensation. wa..wa...wa...
Life can be so cruel I don't know what to do... ihik...ihik...
But I still take a time to write my blog ;-)


Desperado from morning to evening :-(

Tuesday, June 08, 2004


so much to do,...
I am tired with my work,
my heart and my soul.
is there someone out there can help me???

Monday, June 07, 2004

29 Days Later

29 days later, I will fly cross the sky,
to be far from you.
I can't effort not thinking about the day.
I will be missing you
I will feel lonely so far away from you.

Is this the right way for me???
could I changes the way and stay here,
to be near with you?
what should I do?
I'm so lonely just to thinking be a part from you.
But I musn't give in......

Help me....
I am love

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Wonosobo I'm Coming,...

After back from church I go with my brother Johan to Wonosobo.
Meet my friend Arie and his pretty wife Maya and also their daughter Kya.

It is so nice a half day with them.
I carry on Kya till she is sleeping for an hour.
wow...How I feel the sense of maternity. (Om...I need a baby, can you hear I'm shouting in my soul???) hehehe.....
Back at night by the very dangerous road.
I'm so scare, so afraid to thinking about empty fuel on my motorcycle (look sometimes I could be so paranoid by the scary feeling.)

Arrive home at 9 0'clook in the night.
Irene said that om called me then will call again.
But he doesn't call me again (wa, I miss his soft and tender voice) if only I knew you will not call me again then I will call you om...(but it's ok I will call you tomorrow)

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Small Party

There is a small party in my house.
Many friends come and enjoy the day.
we have already prepare the meals for a day.
I am so tired.

The night is so fabulous.
We sing a song and play some foolish games,
Really I enjoy the night.
Then the combo stop sing a song cause there is a neighbor complained.
So, do you think we can sing a whispered song?

No Water :-(

Karena permintaan seorang adik maka hari ini aku akan menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia (setelah kemarin dia browsing di blog ku ini dan bertanya kenapa aku nggak menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia.)
Sejak kemarin malam air dirumahku tidak ada (PAM nya lagi ngadat)
Dan ketiadaan air ini membuat suasana kacau balau. Seluruh anggota keluarga yang sakit perut kudu nahan2 sampai dibawa naik motor ke tempat sodara yang berarti pemborosan bensin. Dan yang paling sial adalah pagi ini dimana air benar2 kosong. No Breakfast at all. Karena nggak ada air untuk dimasak. My sweet niece Irene ke sekolah tanpa mandi (hehehe apa nggak bau tuh??)
Dan sialnya tadi malam aku pake masker sariayu yang membuat wajahku putih bagaikan topeng dan nggak ada air untuk membersihkannya.
Akhirnya jam 7 pagi aku berangkat ke kantor dengan memakai pakaian kantor, wajah di masker dan membawa perlengkapan mandi (handuk, sabun, odol, etc) dan aku sangat bersyukur karena tidak biasa pake make up sehingga peralatan yang kubawa pun semakin sedikit. Si adek yang mengantar (Johan – red) geleng2 kepala dengan kenekadanku kekantor memakai masker, dan melewati jalanan selama 10 menit perjalanan naik motor.
Dia bertanya “apakah kakak nggak malu??”
Aku jawab dengan “aku tidak punya pilihan lain.”
Toh dikantor juga paling ketemu satpam. Masih pagi2 gini. Kalau satpamnya mengurungkan niat untuk naksir ke aku juga nggak apa2lah. Hari gini mikirin satpam juga bikin pusing.
Dalam perjalanan ada polisi yg lagi ngatur lalu lintas. Kebetulan aku nggak pakai helm (Bukan kebetulan ding setiap pagi juga nggak pake helm maklum helm yg ada di rumah helm standar kurang mendukung ke-feminimanku kalau memakai helm standar.) Aku bilang ke si adik “kalau kita sampai kena razia polisi bilang aja aku lagi depresi karena beratnya kehidupan mencari pekerjaan lihat saja saking terobsesinya untuk kerja dia sampai pake pakaian kerja tapi belum mandi” heheheheeh.
Namun sungguh disayang polisinya membiarkan kami lewat begitu saja.
Sampai dikantor betul saja belum ada siapa-siapa, hanya ada satpam yg jaga dan office boy. Pak satpam senyum2 melihat gayaku yg amburadul (apa boleh buat dah emang begini ceritanya) setelah melatakkan tas di mejaku aku menuju kamar mandi dan mulailah aku mandi ditengah dinginnya cuaca pagi hari di salatiga.
Setelah mandi aku ngaca dan melihat betapa segarnya wajahku terlepas dari masker. Ah air…air…sumber kehidupan terimakasih sudah tersedia hari ini untukku (pertama kalinya selama kehidupanku berterimakasih untuk keberadaan air.)
Kemudian aku minum segelas susu coklat dan kembali bersyukur untuk air yg tersedia di gelasku, sambil mengingat2 orang rumah apa kabarnya hari ini ya????

* lagi berpikir untuk ikut dalam kegiatan menyelamatkan air dunia

Friday, June 04, 2004


Happy "Waisak's Day" for all people who celebrate...
I'm at home for a whole day and chat with my beloved sister Laura.
We discuss many things about the small things in live,
and it's very nice and useful for both of us.
Thanks sister for supporting me in all the way of me, through my future plan of my life.
You make all easier for me to pass the life.
I love you sister :-)

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Four Days With You....

Feel so lonely miss you honey.
Thanks to God for created imagination so I can Imagine you for a day. It's enough for me because you are as beautiful as real in my imagination.

Tuesday 1st June 2004
Then falling again deeper, deeper,…and finally to the deepest sense of love for all that you did to me.
Honey, it’s so meaningful for me 4 days with you.
Thanks for being so nice and I realize that I love you so much.
Please be mine forever,
I need you to face the future.

Monday 31th June 2004
Many things happened and all made me more and more comfortable with you then falling in love deeper and deeper.
Thanks for your understanding, compromising, and cooperation.
I think you could be as lover, friend, and brother for me. Again thank you honey.

Sunday 30th May 2004
A day with you (ops not a day you leaved me for a half day. A half day was with your lovely sisters)
It’s nicer again. But I was resentful of internet connection it was “page can not displayed” on my blog
Gosh….I want to show off my blog to my Om hehehehehe….
Then so tired to found an ATM (hey…it’s so funny in the big city, I think)
But it’s ok , the wonderful night could trade off my disappointment to internet connection *wink…wink….

Saturday 29th May 2004

“ You’re late again. What’s wrong with your clock???”
couldn’t you imagine how hard, I handled my feeling of counting a time to meet??
Tick…Tock…Tick…Tock….then you came late.
Dear lord ,…help me to know this man. I really wanted to angry but his way driven me to smile. Hey…man you really knew how to treat me.
Happy to be near you all the way honey ….